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Who can do Tai Chi (taiji)?

Cem Batırbaygil

Tai chi (taiji) is low-impact, placing minimal stress on muscles and joints, making it generally safe for all ages and fitness levels. In fact, because Tai Chi is a low-impact exercise, it can even be suitable for the elderly, who are considered too old to exercise. You may have seen children, teenagers, and older people doing Tai Chi together on television in China.

Moreover, Tai Chi is a very economical sport as it does not require special equipment. A simple outfit that allows for ease of movement is enough to do Tai Chi. You can do Tai Chi anywhere and in any season, indoors or outdoors. You also have the freedom to do Tai Chi either alone or in a group.

Although Tai Chi is generally safe, people who are pregnant or have joint problems, back pain, fractures, severe osteoporosis or hernia should consult their health care professional before trying Tai Chi. Depending on the discomfort, it may be recommended that certain postures be modified or avoided. Especially at the beginner level, it is healthy and correct to learn and do Tai Chi with a good instructor. You can develop your Tai Chi skills by practicing on your own in parallel with the training you receive.

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